Melissa Shanker

writer of middle grade and young adult fiction

TEST: Not sure what I should write in this section



Thanks for stopping by. Here's a bit about me...

 I live in Michigan where I spend my days sitting on velvet chairs in the middle of the forest. Well, not exactly. In fact, that’s not even my chair, but it is my book, and if I have a good book in my hand, it doesn’t matter where I am.

One of my greatest joys in life is to write stories for young readers that give them a place to escape, a place to dream, and a place to belong -- just like so many of my favorite authors did (and still do) for me. You can check out what I'm working on here.

In addition to writing and reading, I’m a secondary English teacher, a board member of the Capital City Writers Association and an active participant in SCBWI-MI. I have three teenagers who distress and delight me in equal measure, more friends than I deserve, and a dog that is often mistaken for a pig. Life is swell. Hope yours is too.